NEW: Dedicated Veterans Support Team

*** This is a Free Service from Day or Night Senior Care ***

We’re proud to offer  Veterans care in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.  Since 2015 we have been helping veteran’s obtain the care they need.  Call us to see what benefits you may qualify for.  In New Hampshire we serve Veterans in Amherst, Goffstown, Hillsborough, Hudson, Manchester, Merrimack, Nashua, Concord, Hopkinton, New London, Derry, Epping, Londonderry, Salem, all of Hillsborough County, Rockingham County and Merrimack County.  Our Veterans Specialists work exclusively with Veterans and can help with getting VA approval for monthly benefits to help pay for an aide in the comfort of their home. Benefit amounts vary based on circumstances.  Often there are also benefits available to surviving spouses as well as the Veteran.  In Massachusetts we serve Veterans in Boston, MA, Needham, MA, Newton, MA, Norwood, MA, Milton, MA, Quincy, MA, Westwood, MA and more.

The process for providing this benefit to Veterans is fairly simple. A representative of Day or Night Senior Care will visit the patient at their home or arrange an online meeting. There is no cost for this visit, during which we will ask a few questions to determine the likelihood of qualifying for Veterans’ Benefits, discuss the program, and obtain permission to apply for, and secure, the benefit for them.

Shortly after the process is initiated, a representative will call to inform the veteran as to the amount of benefit approved by the Veterans Administration and the date on which they can expect the benefit to start. In most cases, and because of our dedicated Veteran Team, we will be able to secure approval from the VA and start care much faster than a local Veterans Agent. In fact, we work with local Veteran’s Agents to expedite the process. We often reduce the start time for in-home care from up to nine months, to just a couple of weeks.

Call us at 603-384-3422 in New Hampshire or 781-766-2273 in Massachusetts with any questions, or to set up an in-home assessment. You can also email us at